By Krish Narraidoo
November 29, 2019
Most of us will spend a long, rewarding relationship with exercise that can last for months, years or decades. We all know the reality of exercise, it’s not a short term process and we have to be in it for the long haul. But what is actually happening to our bodies whilst we exercise and what are the long term benefits from the time and money investment we are making? Immediate Post Exercise Benefits We feel more alert, more awake and more focused. This is because blood is being pumped around the body at a much faster pace. The muscles and the brain receive this blood making brain cells function at a higher level. This is one of the main reasons that many of us start the day with exercise. After training we’re ready to start our day, whilst our colleagues need that second cup of coffee to get them going in the morning. Ideally, we should avoid training before bed - training awakens us so late night training can really hinder the chances of getting good quality sleep. Exercise also gives us that feel-good feeling. Hormones such as serotonin, dopamine, noradrenaline and endorphins almost instantly lift your mood, make you feel great and help to reduce stress and anxiety. 24 Hours Post Exercise Benefits Delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS) can often occur 24-48 hours after exercising. You’ll feel sore and a bit battered but this is the type of muscular discomfort that we are aiming for. It’s a great sign of fitness levels improving and happens when we push ourselves harder than previously, or we are trying out a new set of exercises. Our muscles will need to break down, recover and rebuild so that they are stronger for next time. This is where the term DOMS comes from. We also temporarily boost our metabolic rate. This can last for 24-72 hours. Your body has a resting metabolic rate which is the number of calories you burn without doing anything. It is the calories required for you to breathe, sleep, recover, pump blood and all the other basic functions you do without knowing. Exercise causes stress on the muscles. In order to recover, the body needs to recruit more energy and burn more calories, temporarily boosting your metabolic rate. So the 300 calories you’ve burnt on that treadmill could easily mean another 300 or more in the following days – great if you are trying to lose weight. One Week Post Exercise Benefits In a very short time the body starts to adapt. Your mitochondria will start to multiply in your cells, making your body more efficient at metabolising energy and allowing you to feel more able and comfortable to take on the next fitness challenge. One Month Post Exercise Benefits This is the point where habits are starting to be established. We have made exercising part of our daily routine, it requires less conscious effort and it will become a lot easier for us to complete the activities. We may be starting to see some body fat loss, which in turn will show off the new muscle mass that we have acquired. That extra muscle mass requires more energy and more calories to feed it, make it grow and actually stay there. This means that our metabolic rate increases – so now we’re burning even more calories every day, just by working hard and staying consistent. Six Months Post Exercise Benefits Six months of blood, sweat and tears, surely we should be starting to see some results. Now we’ve exercised for half a year, we have a routine, and motivation and consistency shouldn’t be a problem. Your lungs and heart will have gained huge benefits. The stats are crazy! The heart pumps blood through over 60,000 miles of blood vessels, it beats approximately 100,000 times a day which means after 70 years of life, the average heart will beat 2.5 billion times! The heart muscle has grown in size, become stronger, more efficient, and more able to cope with increased demands. Your blood pressure will have improved and your risk of cardiovascular disease, such as heart attacks and strokes, has reduced. Your mental health would have improved. It is said that you can improve your low mood by getting the correct amount of exercise. If you complete regular aerobic exercise or team based sports for 45 minutes, three to five days a week, for six months, it can be just as effective as taking antidepressants. One Year Post Exercise Benefits We’ve hit one full year of exercise. We have invested time and money, we’ve stayed longer than our gym contract says we have to and we are proper exercise-people. So what have we gained? The mental health benefits from six months have continued. You’ve made new friends and acquaintances, especially if you’ve played team sports and completed regular group exercise, you have more confidence in yourself and how you look and feel, all contributing towards continuing good mental health. You’re beginning to extend your life expectancy. Studies show that people who burn 3,500 calories through exercise every week can reduce their death rate by an astonishing 50%, compared to people who don’t! Your bone health has improved due to regular weight-bearing exercise which lowers the risks of fractures. Exercise is also a great immune system booster. You are unlikely to be suffering from as many coughs and colds as you have done in the past. Aerobic exercise reduces your risk of catching respiratory infections plus many other common illnesses. You become more active away from structured exercise, you’re more fun to be around, able to run around with younger people and kids, take part in a lot more activities and be generally more pain-free and capable – hopefully you’re even inspiring others! Along the way there will be many extra benefits. Lungs, heart, muscles, flexibility, blood pressure, blood cholesterol, body fat, blood glucose, brain function, Alzheimer’s, sleep…. the list goes on. Now that you’ve read my article, have a think about how regular exercise could help you and your health. Start something today that your future self will thank you for. It will be tough but the rewards are outstanding and if you need any help along the way, get in touch. Written by Krish Narraidoo Personal Trainer & Sports Massage Therapist